Monday 5 August 2013

The Doctor of Twelvieness!

*SPOILER* If You Haven't Heard the Announcement, You May or May Not Want to Read

The new Doctor isn't exactly who I was hoping for (which was Daniel Radcliffe) and he wouldn't have been my second choice either, or third... I'm just hoping he does a good job. I know they want someone different to Matt Smith but I was hoping for someone similar... He was an amazing Doctor, and I was personally hoping for someone younger than the Doctor we got... I know that sounds a little harsh, but the younger Doctors like Matt Smith and David Tennant, who I personally think are funnier although I can't pretend I've watched every Doctor performing.

Matt Smith and David Tennant have to be my favourite Doctors however... they're funny, but can become very angry, and they have some awesome companions... Amy and Rory Williams, Rose Tyler, Martha Jones and Clara (Oswin) Oswald are some of the best characters to ever cross our screens in my opinion, but I still think I'd make a great companion... I have my own TARDIS and everything... We could go to Pandora... meet some blue people...

But now for anyone still reading, it's time for the reveal... unless you've already watched in which case what are you doing here.....................................................................................................................................

(Spoilers are after the break.........)

Sunday 4 August 2013

Disney Potentially Un-fucked 'Star Wars'

Star Wars Potentially First Thing In The Universe To Regain Virginity, In A Galaxy Far Far Away...

Sorry for the small reference, but I couldn't resist. I assume most of you are going to potentially riot about this, but personally I loved The Clone Wars movie and TV series. So before you go chopping off Mickey Mouse's dick and hanging it on a flagpole, just know that Disney have un-fucked Star Wars in my opinion.

Star Wars Rebels, which premieres Autumn 2014, is the physical embodiment of Star Wars' virginity, being bestowed upon them by Disney. As concept art shows, the style will pull away drastically from the manga style of The Clone Wars and pull towards a more worn look which will hopefully give it an Original Trilogy type of feeling.

A gritty, rusted style has been patched over the original logo, and the new concept art reveals a remarkable adherence to the Episode IV concept art by Ralph McQuarrie, and his general style (which I have to say is amazing). Here is some of McQuarrie's older concept art...


C'mon guys, group photo!

Damn girl...

How cute please...

Jabba... Need I Say More

Looks like Dungeons and Dragons...

The music is playing in my head...


Vader's crotchpad is the best...

Very nice series of artwork there, showcasing McQuarrie's unique art style, a very, very nice art style at that, which I'm thankful we'll be seeing more of in 2014, even though it will not be drawn up by him. No, but a set of digital brushes has been developed so as to do his artwork justice and allow the artists to closely match his style. Some of the new concept art created for the series reveals a little bit of new information about the world of Star Wars, in the form of a new ship...

Presenting, the newest addition to the Rebel fleet... 'The Ghost'
Described as a cross between a B-17 and the Millennium Falcon, the ship
certainly fits in with the timeline, as the show is set just before Episode IV

This piece especially shows that the artwork is aimed to look like that of Episode IV, and
displays the pleasant image of ships crashing... The artwork was unveiled at Star Wars Celebration Europe by the supervising director on The Clone Wars, Dave Filoni

I'm hoping everyone is excited for the new movies, Episode VII in 2015... And I'm hoping Disney have redeemed themselves from Club Penguin with Star Wars shit in it... Way to stab a franchise in the heart 100 times... Although I am looking forward to the Phineas and Ferb specials which feature Marvel and Star Wars

Anyway guys, stay tuned :P


Ooooooohhhhhhh We're Halfway There! Woaaaaahhhhhhhhh, Livin' on The Internet!

We Reached A Massive 500 Pageviews and I Slept Through It!!!!!

So yeah, thanks for all of the support guys, we reached 500 in my sleep, so technically, I can blog in my sleep... But back to business, we have over 500 pageviews, so thanks to you guys for getting me there. The bottom line, Top 100 ain't starting today... There is just no physical way I can do it without rushing a random villain out onto the blog, without any consideration as to who it is. Sorry guys...

But I might get a couple of really short posts out about some recent tech stuff, and tomorrow I'll be reviewing The Wolverine on the blog, so hopefully it won't be horrible. Also, this months favorites post should be out by the 7th, although it isn't really monthly anymore, it's more like every time I get bored of people trying to be philosophical by telling the world that they "don't care if I get picked on because of my quiff [that is even larger than the Media Intel Service writer's penis, impressively] because I want to be different!". Jog on son, jog on...

Anyway, I might get a post or two spat out before tomorrow so stay tuned...

Yeah, I'm Shit...

These Hero and Villain Lists are Gonna Take Awhile

So I have just made a list of every Batman villain I could possibly find, there were about 500, and I need tons more... Obviously I will take a brief look at the characters, knock out any obvious losers, and then go over the remainders in a little more detail... First, I need villains from other media... Please comment, Pikmin lives at stake...

I'm Gonna Spit Out A Quick Post if Possible so Enjoy!
Stay tuned :P


Please email me at
if something is wrong with the commenting system on this blog.
Or, email me some villains...

Thank you, help save the Pikmin!

Stay tuned :P

Saturday 3 August 2013

Update on Villainy!

Please comment your favourite villains from comic books, movies, music, books, videogames and TV, as this will help me to judge the top 100... Comment on this post with your favorites and just any villains... Please comment, to save a Pikmin's life...

Stay tuned :P

The Google AdSense Decision

Google AdSense May or May Not Be Incorporated Into This Blog

I have a dream... A dream that one day, little black Wii's and little white Wii's can all be played multiplayer with friends... A dream where a YouTube channel can be created with a bit of hard work and money.

So, here is where my audience crumbles. I would like to create a YouTube channel but despite my two paper rounds, do not have enough money for a HDPVR 2, the consoles which I would like to use on this channel, money to buy some things to showcase. I don't spend much of my money, it all gets saved in my bank account, but somehow, I can't save enough. This is going to come out sounding as selfish as it possibly could, but I would like to have a little bit of money to kick off a decent enough YouTube channel with a group of friends. So I may or may not add AdSense as a means of getting a little more money. Please, don't hate me, and if you can, just click an ad... just click an ad... Wink Wink Nudge Nudge...

P.S. Not selling my TARDIS

Stay Tuned :P

Please Comment... For Every Comment You Make, A Pikmin's Life is Saved

Either something was wrong with my comment bar, or nobody was commenting, but at the bottom of each post where it will undoubtedly say "0 Comments", click that "0 Comments" thingymajiggy and comment... You will save the life of a Pikmin...

Villainous! Awesome Villains!

Check out my white strip, my sexy white strip! ^

I Have Decided to Make a List of my Top 100 POP CULTURE! Villains, Because Villainy is Awesome...

So my top 100 Villains will be from the categories of Movies, Videogames, Books, Comic Books, and Music... And I will be judging Villains based on these traits...

Persistence: One thing many villains lack... Persistence... Take a page from Bowser's book and keep on going, I mean how many times has he been thwarted by small, heroic Italian plumbers, and all he wants to do is start a decent human trafficking business, but this guy never gives up, no matter how many Italian plumbers (which there seems to be an abundance of) take advantage of his weak skull problem and stomp on his head...

Influence: I do love it when Villains, no matter how hated, can say a couple of words and have your head chopped off by their guards. After all, if a Villain has nobody to control they are fairly boring, one person, they have no minions to do their bidding for them, no henchman, no pawns, no pointless carrier bags to dispose of once they're through with them. And then there are villains who take it a step further, such as The Bane in Christopher Nolan's trilogy of Dark Knight movies, who decides to gain control of Gotham and manipulate the majority of the cities inhabitants (and prisoners) into unknowingly doing his bidding.

Ambition: Increasing milk prices! You bastards! So Wonder Woman villains aren't exactly very deadly, but kidnapping princesses to unleash darkness upon the world through use of keyholes is just pure genius... If a villain wants to give me a single cheeseburger when I ask for a double (damn you McDonalds), they aren't really very ambitious, on the other hand if they're taking over the world, then that's ambitious, but possibly a little too ambitious, it all depends.

Crimes: What are our heinous villains wanted for, rape? Murder? Kidnap and ransom? We don't care for those so called villains who killed you on TF2 while you were AFK taking a shit, or those "dastardly" neighbours who trimmed "your side of the hedge". When someone murders multiple people including sidekicks of his arch nemesis... then they gain an audience...

Nemesis: If a supervillain is busy committing crimes, a bit of bank robbery here, a little bit of third degree murder there, then they aren't just going to get away with it! That would ruin just about everything contained within pop culture... Of course they aren't just going to be allowed to kill thousands of people, no, which is why almost every (if not every) villain has an enemy... someone to allow the company to milk the shit out of the franchise... no hero or villain ever wins, or at least if they do another one comes along (don't quote me on that). So one segment of the rating will be how awesome the villains nemesis or main opposing hero is. Bear in mind these aren't all comic book villains but there should be a list for those pretty soon.

Look And Style: Villains need swagger. I am not going to put someone on this list who wears no costume whatsoever without a very, very good reason (unless of course they are wearing stylish clothing, then there's a whole different matter). Awesome costumes make winners... Not just in costume contests... Wear your purple orange and green attire, and be proud!

Success: All villains have to be a teensy bit successful, because if the hero constantly thwarted the villain within two minutes of them creating their devilish plot, everything would be boring... not just Titanic... everything... The villain needs to come very close to defeating the hero, at least. The stage of almost defeating the hero, however, should not lengthen movies by an hour.

Defeats: As well as the villains highs, we need to take into account their lows. We can't credit a villain for blowing up a city, if they forgot how to drive their getaway vehicle and were caught up in the explosion. Killed by a sidekick? That will cost you dearly... Obviously all villains have defeats, but if theirs is planned (which isn't technically defeat) as part of a dastardly plot, brownie points for them... If it works out.

Attributes: If our villain is witty, or clever, or strong, or quick, they'll tally up more of those brownie points. Take The Joker for example, he makes a lot of witty and downright hilarious puns and jokes, in both the movies and comic books. Abomination, (not much of a villain), super strong... So the different segments of the attributes section will be Strength, Speed,
 Combat, Intelligence, Power, Wealth.

Powers: So not all villains have powers, but a lot of them do, and if they don't, we'll just tally up their awesome points that don't fall into other categories. Powers are awesome, usually, but some can be a pain, or just shit. We obviously have to include powers as one section, to assess everything about the villains.

Sidekick: Although sidekicks could be considered villains all on their own, if they aren't included, we'll add them in somehow. Pretty self explanatory otherwise.

Motive: A character with a dark, mysterious, hate filled background will obviously win our vote, but if a character has a random, funny background, or something to do with insanity, I'll love it.

Apologies for the oncoming hurricane of slow posts, this will probably take me about a century to get out, maybe a little more, so if you just grab a coffee, and wait for one hundred years, then I should be done... This will take me an age... I will probably publish it as lots of separate posts, maybe daily? Who knows... Probably Jean Grey...

After completing my Top 100 Villains posts, I will probably do the same thing again, but with heroes, and also, Comic Book Characters. The posting should start tomorrow if all goes to plan, and I may do the heroes list alongside the villains list.

Stay Tuned!

My IGN Blog!

Just a quick heads up to give you a link to my IGN blog...

Le Blog of PopGod (Moi)

Here comes the villainy... Stay tuned...

What Year Is It?

My most sincere apologies at my absence for who knows how long, but I just haven't been able to find the time to blog. Today, I have managed to squeeze in a little time, so I am going to thank everyone for almost 500 pageviews in total and almost 60 pageviews on my Pixar post. I have an IGN blog now which I will run as well as this, and hopefully have no more prolonged periods of absence. :D I said prolonged periods...

So I might as well take this opportunity to tell you about my Top 100 Pop Culture Villains series of posts. which should begin with number 100 tomorrow. I will give you the details of how it will work etc. in a couple of minutes, but until then...

Stay Tuned :P
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