Wednesday 3 April 2013

Bioshock Infinite - I've Either Figured it Out, Or Been Horribly Stupid!


If you want to hear my other little rant about something I figured out in Bioshock Infinite, it's in another article, but this is a short article about a recent breakthrough I made which many others have probably already made about the series, or I'm horribly wrong, which is most probable.

So, you know how everyone was confused about whether Booker really had saved his daughter (I didn't put her name because I couldn't be arsed to use italics) or whether he would continue saving her in an infinite cycle as the title of the game could hint at. However, if the Lutece s were unlatched from time-space, then surely they wouldn't go back and take Anna and therefore Booker wouldn't have had to go back and save her. Also, if Comstock is dead in all universes, Booker has nobody to give Elizabeth and won't have to save her or be baptized into Comstock. Plus I'm dearly hoping the bring the duo back for DLC, so if they are dead I swear to god, I will destroy you 2K Games!

Favorites of the Month - March 2013, #2

I know it's April, but I completely forgot to do this earlier, so I'll just finish it off now!

Favorite Movie(s) of the Month

I haven't seen very many movies this month, at least not enough to be able to do a review about, I've only really seen Oz The Great and Powerful (I know, disappointing wasn't it). This movie didn't live up to it's potential, story wise, it was great, character wise, brilliant, setting wise, it completely followed all of Oz lore... but special effects wise, the fight scenes look like something a 3 year old does on Photoshop, and all of the special effects are just SHIT! Seriously, you may want to see it for the story, but don't see it if you're hoping for Disney's usual grand performance, they have tried to be cheap, they have one of the biggest budgets in the world and they have not utilized it. Also, don't take your kids, my friend who is 13 was scared of one of the witches. I loved this movie but they really should have gone all out on this, I thought they were going to start something good, like when they re-made Alice in Wonderland (which was amazing), but this just isn't going anywhere.It wasn't really a 'Favourite' movie, but who cares, it's an opinion. A good movie, which wasn't released this month but who cares, is Wreck-it Ralph which was truly amazing and actually, for a Disney movie which can't have any rudeness, hilarious.

Favorite Song of the Month

I know these are all boring columns, and this one will surely put the shit, in shit, but I'm just going to recommend a song to listen to. This was released on February 26th, but I don't give a shit, I'm still writing about it. It's Just Give Me a Reason by P!nk and featuring Nate Ruess, and I love it, highly recommend that you listen to this song! Just putting that out there!


Sorry it was crap, will try and improve, PLEASE COMMENT I'M LONELY! :P

Tuesday 2 April 2013

2 Days Later... Easter Eggs #7 - #13

It's probably not highlighted, it's just that color!

I bet you've been eagerly anticipating the destruction of this blog, my trusty 73 pageviewers, but I regret to inform you that this post isn't about nuking my blog (although I do love Fallout)... No, for it is about Easter Eggs (Easter Bunny got stuck in traffic)! The Videogame Kind! So let's resume...

If you have played any of the previous Gears of War videogames, you may have heard of the Carmine brothers, Anthony Carmine, Benjamin Carmine and Clayton Carmine (Gears of War, teaching you the ABC's since 2006). These three were the notorious brothers, the first two of which died in previous Gears of War titles. In Gears of War: Judgement you may have noticed a sign advertising 'Carmine Family Life Insurance' (ironic, isn't it) at the beginning of Halvo Bay Military Academy - Section 1: Enfield Bridge.

Who has listened to the Spice Girls (Of course you have, FABOLUS (I know I spelled that wrong (I know I have put brackets in brackets))), and have you played Ni No Kuni, well I hope you have, because if you go to Al-Mamoon in the game, you will find the Sheikh of Spice who proclaims "People of the world - come, spice up your life!". I reckon this is a reference to the Spice Girls song of a similar title! I know it's not referencing another videogame, but CALM YO' TITS! It don' matter!

In Black Ops II (yes, last year game, CALM YO' MOFOIN TITS), if you have the map Nuketown Zombies and are a fairly average player, you shouldn't have much trouble accomplishing this. It isn't much of an Easter Egg, but I've seen countless gameplay videos (Mr. The Syndicate Project, I'm talking to you) in which people miss it, and it results in my constant screaming at the screen (I need anger management, jokes jokes... or is it... I know where you live). So, I'm just gonna explain it, once you reach Round 25 on the map Nuketown Zombies, the eyes of your undead foes will turn blue as opposed to their usual shade of yellow/orange. This indicates that Richtofen has switched bodies with Samantha, as is done in one of the main Easter Eggs in Moon. Through the rounds prior to this, you hear Richtofen completing this.

Who loves Marvel, even I, BATMAN, loves, loved, and will love (Bioshock reference) Marvel. So I found it quite funny to know that in Dead Space 3, if you view the weapons which you can build from blueprints, you will find a weapon named "Mjolnir", which is a reference to Thor (OBV.). In case you don't know, that's his hammers name (that's not weird, Lara Croft's boobs have names), and here is the in game description of the weapon... "A weapon born of Valhalla: an advanced Chain Lightning Gun and Hydraulic Hammer." Lightning, hammer, if this isn't an Easter Egg I will suck shit through a sweaty sock.

#11 - The Happy Ecstasy Mushroom (Normal-ness not included)
I'm sorry, but this one deserved a name... A SMILEY MUSHROOM WHICH MAKES YOU SEEM LIKE YOUR IN A WORLD FULL OF HIPPIES! Once in Mission 3: The Root of All Evil, just walk to the left of the dam waterfall (that damn waterfall) and you will come across a mushroom... with a smiley face drawn on it... Just take it, you know you want to, and experience the crazy results!

I know this meme has been fucked to death but so what, there's always room for more (unless yo' in my strip  club, it's full bitches). Another classic "Arrow in the knee" meme, this time from Survival Instinct. MILD SPOILERS! Once you get the crossbow near the end of the game, you can "Shoot a Walker in the Knee with a Bolt", which gains you the Achievement/Trophy "I Used to Be a Human Like You". Not even going to say what that references 'cause it was screwed with all over the internet and c'mon, you have to have played Skyrim. Here's a video!

I'm just going to explain the barebones of this because it involves a lot. Basically, since the Wii U is a Nintendo console, the videogame LEGO City: Undercover involves numerous references and Easter Egg-ish things. Here is a small list... A Bob-omb, Bullet Bill, Warp Pipe, ? Block and Star can all be found in game, and I'm very sorry but it's late and I'm tired and Timmy needs spanking (Joke) so find a video on YouTube and fuck off and leave me be!

And that's you're two days late completion of a shit set of cheap (free) Easter Eggs which probably are of no value to you whatsoever. You're welcome!

Stay tuned tomorrow! :P

Monday 1 April 2013

When You Just Can't Be Bothered - Easter Eggs #4 - #6

I can't be bothered to hide all of the Easter Eggs in other posts (when you just can't be bothered -___-) so I am just going to post the rest in this post, they will all be from games released this year, hopefully most from this month!

Tomb Raider games have ridiculously named animals somewhere along the line (it's the truth) and the latest in this long line of animals is FeeFee the Crab, who is part of an achievement called 'Crab Cakes'. Go to the Shipwreck Beach which is usually encountered in the mission Gone Missing, and shoot the crabs with a bow. Eventually you should kill FeeFee, and be awarded 5 Gamerscore Points or a Bronze Trophy.

FeeFee was named by fans on the Tomb Raider Forums, and in previous Tomb Raider games the pet animals with odd names were: Legend had Fluffy, Underworld the Underpus[sy], and Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light had Chompy.

I know this game was made in late 2012 and not 2013 but I found this Easter Egg and love it! Assassin's Creed 3, the deadly assassin draws closer, revealing his true colors! Just go behind the Davenport Homestead and enter the Konami Classic Code (Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, A, B, Select, Start). Then watch Mr. Turkey behind the house? See it? The Assassin Hood! You think he's innocent, and then, you turn and he will STAB YOU IN THE BACK!

Video from IGN!

God of War: Ascension holds an Easter Egg which possibly hints at the future of something contained within the franchise... Once you get into "Chapter 14: The Cistern (Part 2)", just before reaching the Cistern you may notice a painting. The code displayed on this painting is: QUJIKPHIUEEEKMJQUJ.

However when you change the language, the code becomes: Sun, Bird, Bull, Lion, Sun. If you walk over these symbols in the same are in that order, pressing R1 on each, you can unlock a secret message in the painting which read: "When the Earth stops, the journey begins...". This is based on speculation, but considering it isn't a main part of the game and is hard to find, it may hint at something from the future... but I play Xbox so I dunno!

Easter Eggs #7 through to #13 will be in a post tomorrow (tiiirrreeeddd...) -___-

Stay Tuned :P

Google's New Search Feature - Google Nose

Who has tried out Google's new feature? Google Nose. Just go to the Google homepage and right beneath the search bar, will be the link to this brilliant tool. It allows you to search for things, and smell them from you computer or phone! They have amassed an enormous database of over 15 million scentabytes which you can smell using their "Mobile Aroma Indexing Program", I have sat all day pondering the possibilities, my first search being 'dog shit' and then thinking of 'sweaty nipples'. It may sound disgusting but it's brilliant! Those people at Google are very clever, to be able to wirelessly transport the database to our computers without having pre-stored the scents inside of them! Sheer genius! Apparently, Google are to begin work on computers which have small  tongue pads fitted where their should be a trackpad, or on screens, with Google Taste!

Stay tuned :P

Easter Egg #3

Again this isn't the most exciting Easter Egg and doesn't contain any real spoilers, it's from SimCity (the 2013 game). 

If you have a building named Trukmeyer Electronics, then click it and listen in closely... It's a song from the original The Sims game and I believe you hear it when renovating your house in the original The Sims
:P Stay Tuned

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