Monday 1 April 2013

Google's New Search Feature - Google Nose

Who has tried out Google's new feature? Google Nose. Just go to the Google homepage and right beneath the search bar, will be the link to this brilliant tool. It allows you to search for things, and smell them from you computer or phone! They have amassed an enormous database of over 15 million scentabytes which you can smell using their "Mobile Aroma Indexing Program", I have sat all day pondering the possibilities, my first search being 'dog shit' and then thinking of 'sweaty nipples'. It may sound disgusting but it's brilliant! Those people at Google are very clever, to be able to wirelessly transport the database to our computers without having pre-stored the scents inside of them! Sheer genius! Apparently, Google are to begin work on computers which have small  tongue pads fitted where their should be a trackpad, or on screens, with Google Taste!

Stay tuned :P

Easter Egg #3

Again this isn't the most exciting Easter Egg and doesn't contain any real spoilers, it's from SimCity (the 2013 game). 

If you have a building named Trukmeyer Electronics, then click it and listen in closely... It's a song from the original The Sims game and I believe you hear it when renovating your house in the original The Sims
:P Stay Tuned

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