Thursday 30 May 2013

Bloggers Worldwide Deliver Old News - Microsoft Scamming Us

Xbox One Rips Us Off - Sherlock Holmes Out Of A Job

Clearly Mr. Holmes has run out of cases, and has proven the phrase 'no shit, Sherlock' true. So Microsoft are ripping us off, shock! There are other stories about their latest console, but let's focus on their ripping us off. I mean, it's all well and good that they want to end piracy (who am I kidding), but no pre-owned games! You're going to stop people... from playing games that were previously owned by others... because?.. You're dickheads... Probably.
             However, according to the internet, which absolutely always tells the truth obviously, retailers will be linked to Microsoft's Cloud based system, which will allow the retailer who is purchasing the game from one of us, to delete the game and its attachments from our account. I don't think that's fair, I live for buying games then selling them for new ones, but I do love to admire my achievements which I didn't use YouTube to obtain in any way (okay, maybe on LEGO games but they're hard!). Why do Microsoft have to do this, doesn't old Billy have enough money, I mean seriously, if you told Bill Gates to give you all his money at gunpoint, the two of you would die after 100 years of him bringing it all to you. But you wouldn't do that because he has probably bought his own bloody Terminator with that kind of money. However, I just discovered that it's not all doom and gloom...
             We aren't the ones paying this £35 (unless you're a retailer), the retailer is, however this does mean that in increase in pre-owned videogame prices will probably happen. This money is then split between the publisher and Microsoft. Furthermore, it probably won't even be £35, as that is too high a figure, no, that may have been the total cost with an activation fee added to the game price. So now, Microsoft effectively controls half of the pre-owned market, as they control the activation fee. They can price a game however they want, is the simple way to put it without adding all of the complicated foshizzle.
             So say goodbye to all the other articles lying to you, this article probably is as well. Now who wants to see the Xbox One case design? Did someone say "I Do!"? I think they did...
Why would you buy three of the same game?

And dat console photo again!

Just to point out, I heard rumors that the Kinect would be monitoring the amount of people watching a movie, and would turn off the movie if it thought too many people were viewing the content because just one fee had been paid. However, I believe these are just rumors, and please remain calm, do not kill yourself, we are okay. No if you'll excuse me I must go shoot myself through the head.

Stay tuned! :P 

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