Saturday 25 May 2013

Milestone 0.25

So we haven't exactly hit a full milestone yet, that will be 1000 page views, but I would still like to celebrate 250 page views with a treat for all yo' bitches and pimps! I haven't yet decided what to do so bear with me, and it will probably be the cent/penny/other small amount of money you find when someone shouts scramble... Did you expect them to throw a $50 dollars across the room!?
             Please hold, enjoy your wait with some music: *Insert Stupid Telephone Company Jingle Here*. Okay that took me about half an hour and still nothing... wait a little longer please... okay, I am just going to ask you what you want from me (please nothing that costs actual MONEY!!!)... A question, can you tell who is viewing your blog (provided they have a Google+)... please comment! Also, Stay Tuned!

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