Sunday 26 May 2013

Monsters University - Tits Officially Calmed on a Global Scale!

Much controversy was aroused a few months ago when a sequel to the beloved Pixar movie Monsters Inc. was announced, but I think it's safe to say this is one of the more recent Pixar sequels which isn't going to make me wonder why they bother. I mean c'mon guys, Cars 2, I cut myself! I can't think of any more, but Cars 3 will be a wreck, Planes (a trilogy of Cars spin-off films) shouldn't make those cuts any shallower, and it's pretty much all Cars related shit from there.
             But if you haven't seen the new trailer for Monsters University, then let me just tell you that I believe Pixar have redeemed themselves, and judging by some other upcoming movies, they haven't just redeemed themselves. Now before you start saying shit like 'Cars 2 is amazing!', SHUT, THE FUCK, UP! Are you kidding? No? Toodaroo Muddafuckaar (put on your Leslie Chow voice for that). It's Pixar! I didn't think anyone would say that, but, I wanted to put on my Leslie Chow voice! So long, gayboys! So are you ready to see some images and a new trailer, and an old trailer, and other shit...
             I'm just hoping this doesn't crash and burn like Cars 2, that movie had a child, and it just goes and gets killed like that! How could it!

What do you call a monster gang bang? Fang-bang! Fang-bang! (Sing it to doo-dah-day tune)...

Here's the old trailer...

And the new...

It looks fairly decent from the footage they've shown, and should be even better (especially than the dreaded Cars 2)!
Stay tuned for a Pixar post soon!

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