Thursday 30 May 2013

300 Pageviews and Beyond - The 0.3 Milestone

Another Day, Another Short Post

Just another thanks to everyone who regularly views or even just stumbled across this blog once, we have hit 300 pageviews and jumped straight ahead to 314, overnight. The "'Curiosity' Killed My iPad" article hit big, with 19 pageviews, the most we have ever seen on an article. That's probably because the title makes it sound a lot more exciting, but any page view is a good page view, unless it's the pornography police, then I need to relocate again. If you'll excuse me I must go pack my bags, but thanks for all the support and keep returning for news every day or two.

Bloggers Worldwide Deliver Old News - Microsoft Scamming Us

Xbox One Rips Us Off - Sherlock Holmes Out Of A Job

Clearly Mr. Holmes has run out of cases, and has proven the phrase 'no shit, Sherlock' true. So Microsoft are ripping us off, shock! There are other stories about their latest console, but let's focus on their ripping us off. I mean, it's all well and good that they want to end piracy (who am I kidding), but no pre-owned games! You're going to stop people... from playing games that were previously owned by others... because?.. You're dickheads... Probably.
             However, according to the internet, which absolutely always tells the truth obviously, retailers will be linked to Microsoft's Cloud based system, which will allow the retailer who is purchasing the game from one of us, to delete the game and its attachments from our account. I don't think that's fair, I live for buying games then selling them for new ones, but I do love to admire my achievements which I didn't use YouTube to obtain in any way (okay, maybe on LEGO games but they're hard!). Why do Microsoft have to do this, doesn't old Billy have enough money, I mean seriously, if you told Bill Gates to give you all his money at gunpoint, the two of you would die after 100 years of him bringing it all to you. But you wouldn't do that because he has probably bought his own bloody Terminator with that kind of money. However, I just discovered that it's not all doom and gloom...
             We aren't the ones paying this £35 (unless you're a retailer), the retailer is, however this does mean that in increase in pre-owned videogame prices will probably happen. This money is then split between the publisher and Microsoft. Furthermore, it probably won't even be £35, as that is too high a figure, no, that may have been the total cost with an activation fee added to the game price. So now, Microsoft effectively controls half of the pre-owned market, as they control the activation fee. They can price a game however they want, is the simple way to put it without adding all of the complicated foshizzle.
             So say goodbye to all the other articles lying to you, this article probably is as well. Now who wants to see the Xbox One case design? Did someone say "I Do!"? I think they did...
Why would you buy three of the same game?

And dat console photo again!

Just to point out, I heard rumors that the Kinect would be monitoring the amount of people watching a movie, and would turn off the movie if it thought too many people were viewing the content because just one fee had been paid. However, I believe these are just rumors, and please remain calm, do not kill yourself, we are okay. No if you'll excuse me I must go shoot myself through the head.

Stay tuned! :P 

Wednesday 29 May 2013

The Simpsons and More Harry Potter Coming to Universal Studios Orlando

Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why!

Why does the world hate me so much! I live in England for big bang's sake and you don't see me travelling to DisneyWorld every year... why? There is no DisneyWorld in the UK. It's all Florida, California (Disney Land), Paris (EuroDisney), and crap like that! Sure, i'd much rather go to Florida and experience it, because there is a small factor that would interfere with an English DisneyWorld's sales... the sky above England is the biggest knob-head the world has ever seen. It hates us... despises us...
             But on the bright side for all you lucky Americans and rich people, be expecting some fireworks through your door anytime soon. Oh, but you won't be there, 'cause you'll be off to DisneyWorld and Universal! The reason I have gathered you here today however, is not to threaten you and blackmail you with your internet history, but to inform you of the new expansion to Universal Studios Orlando which I won't be visiting for about 100 years. The Simpsons! I would love to go, so just send me a few billion dollars through the mail, with your name in neat little print, and I will 'delete' your internet history...
             The Simpsons! Why does the world taunt me! I have a fucking TARDIS I will find the Daleks bitch,  and bring them back! I swear if you open a Doctor Who park I will be there to kill you... those lies don't hold together very well. Shit. But it's not fair, they taunt me with their stupid concept art...

Look at it, I think I might cry! Like seriously i'm pretty sure there is a new Bridget Jones coming out i'm getting all emotional. But look at it they have Lard Lad and Moe's Tavern and everything and it makes me sick! And to think that I watched the video! What more do they expect!
             Last time (the first time) I visited, I didn't actually ride The Simpson's Ride, just noticed it queuing for the Men in Black attraction, which is awesome. But from what I have heard, they are expanding on the attraction to build the huge replica of Springfield, the iconic settlement for our yellow-skinned friends. Of course, the rip-off division of Universal is always thinking of ways to bring in money, and adding about a billion attractions is one way. I didn't say I wasn't going to shove my money in their faces and go there, but I just wanted to express my fury at the rip-off division for making this beautiful set of attractions. I sound a little bipolar don't I?
             Well, I doubt I will be visiting this for about 20 years but, if you have the money... give it to me! Do not go to the park, give your money to me and I won't even consider letting you live (just imagine Dobby, grinning like Herbert the Pervert and wearing a Sherlock Holmes costume just like the one in the series Sherlock... Scared yet :)   .
               Anyway, the park is scheduled to open this summer, and will feature iconic Springfield locations, such as Krusty Burger, The Android's Dungeon, Duff Brewery, and the Kwik-E-Mart. I'm slowly cutting myself while reading this and realizing that the world is just torturing me on the spot. Hooray! Well while I slowly die from my wounds, here is a small video from the announcement of the park...

And, in other Universal news, the universe is going to explode because I'm not happy. Also, Harry Potter is making another appearance in Universal Studios, but that's unimportant... watch I'm gonna have death threats in the morning. I'm kidding, and I know you don't joke about that, but Diagon Alley is coming to Universal Florida! However, instead of it being in the Islands of Adventure, it will be in the main park, with a moving, rideable, awesome Hogwarts Express travelling between the two Harry Potter parks! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
             It has not been announced how the train will work, as surely there will be people who have only paid for one park but want to go on a round trip just to experience it, so how will tickets work? That hasn't been revealed yet, as they are probably still working on dat shit, but here... is concept art... I spy a Knight Bus...

Gringotts Bank will serve as the enormous centerpiece, with an attraction supposedly in the works, like I guessed last year upon my first trip to Universal Studios. Yay! Wonder what it could be (sarcasm)!? Obviously, it will be riding the carts in case you didn't get that. This park is supposed to open in summer 2014, so be patient, like my good self.

We have almost reached 300 pageviews so keep 'em coming guys!

Monday 27 May 2013

'Curiosity' Killed my iPad

Ahh, Curiosity, a game in which over 3 million people sat staring at a screen and tapping, all hoping to be the one to find what was inside the cube. Well you all failed unless Mr. Bryan Henderson is viewing this, as he was the one to break the last block and reveal what's inside. Bryan Henderson, 18 years old and from Scotland, was so intent on unlocking the "life changing" secrets that he kept playing until the last block was broken, on May 6th 2013, by none other than himself, pictured below...

The game was developed by 22 Cans and initially released by Apple in November 2012, followed by Android's release of the game. But a year and a half later, Bryan destroyed the last block, to the dismay of 2,999,999+ people (including me, and you don't want to make an enemy of me, I eat Pop Tarts for breakfast, scared yet!)... We are all very disappointed that we didn't get to the bottom of the mystery, but Bryan has become a god in the world of videogaming. The game had been avidly played by a multitude of fans for six months, but Bryan Henderson solved the puzzle in an hour.
             The game pretty much involved destroying over 25 billion 'cubelets' and the object of the game was to get to the center or figure out what was there. Bryan, after destroying the final 'cubelet', viewed a video about what "life changing" secrets he had unraveled... here is the video:

Godus is the type of game I adore. I love The Sims and its sequels, it is just a brilliant genre which I love, although The Sims series is, I think, a little different to Godus, I assume it will be epic! You are the god, like in The Sims, but the game has a more Age of Empires theme to it, in which you control your civilization. Here is a video of the upcoming game scheduled for release in 2013.

Bryan Henderson is now a collaborator with 22 Cans, the company behind Curiosity and Godus, and will be creating his own rules for the upcoming 22 Cans title. The game is described as "half a living sandbox world, and half a strategy game." British game director, the man behind the two titles, Peter Molyneux, said in the video (the Curiosity winner's video) that Henderson, as the winner, would "accrue riches from that game, from the start to finish of your reign."
             Bryan Henderson is finding it hard to believe that within an hour of picking up the addictive game, he was able to beat it, without one of the three million other players who had been playing far longer getting there first. And Bryan will not only be part of the development process of the new title but he will also get a small portion of the profits from the game every time someone (like me and you) forks a shitload of cash out to buy the game.
             Will Bryan be the next Bill Gates? No, probably not, but he can dream. As for me, I can dream of my iPad improving to handle a game, because Curiosity completely crashed it. Thank you Mr. Molyneux!

Stay tuned guys!

Sunday 26 May 2013

'Finding Dory', 'Inside Out', 'Monsters University', 'The Good Dinosaur' and an Untitled Movie - I'd Say Pixar are All Set

Pixar Are All Set Without the Shitty Sequels

I ain't no dumb-ass, I know Pixar have two sequels on the way, but the point is, these sequels aren't going to cause the biggest fluctuation in suicide rates since Paranormal Activity, like Cars 2 did. No, these are the good sequels, the kind you get when you combine childhood memories with magic mushrooms. Monsters University promises to live up to the standards of it's predecessor, and if you think that's all they're gonna spit out at us, you're probably right for about a year or so... but then! The Good Dinosaur hits our screens May 30th 2014 (a little over a year from now...) and we're just mind blown again by Pixar's naming team. Toy Story = Story about toys... Monsters Inc. = Company of Monsters... A Bug's Life = About the life of a bug... they're just full of brilliance aren't they!

The Good Dinosaur was announced in 2011, although many fans noticed some hints in Up: B-roll 1 which is a promotional trailer for the movie up... see if you notice (if you can't find the the promo trailer 'cause I can't and I have to tell you I searched Google twice, nothing)! However, here's what John Lasseter told us about the upcoming movie: 
"They are kind of cartoony but they are dinosaurs; they are not walking around with clothes on or anything like that, they still are kind of dinosaurs. We focused on mostly the plant-eaters, not the carnivores… Their society becomes more of an agrarian society, meaning farmers. They become farmers. It’s a very funny story about a certain way of life that a young dinosaur has trouble fitting into and he ends up going on this quest. He kind of messes up and he has to put everything right by going on this quest and on that quest he meets this our character that is an outcast from his society too and so the two of them form this bond and it becomes this unique kind of story…"
And there you have it... The Good Dinosaur folks! Technically, doesn't the title imply other dinosaurs are bad? I wonder...

             Now on top of this, we have the upcoming Finding Dory scheduled for release on 25th November 2015... I'm hoping they don't screw this up, I'm praying they do it right, so dear lord don't let Dory go missing, because I don't think that's going to fair well with viewers. Andrew Stanton is returning as director, with Ellen DeGeneres and Albert Brooks making another appearance as Dory and Marlin, respectively. The movie is said to be about Dory being reunited with her family but other than that, not much else is known, other than that Nemo and The "Tank Gang" are returning! Oh yes bitches! Jacques is back, the guy sounds like somebody James Bond would defend England from! Except the movie is set off the coast of California, so the England shit just ain't happening... Here's DeGeneres hilarious comment about the movie and Pixar.
"I have waited for this day for a long, long, long, long, long, long time. I'm not mad it took this long. I know the people at Pixar were busy creating Toy Story 16. But the time they took was worth it. The script is fantastic. And it has everything I loved about the first one: It's got a lot of heart, it's really funny, and the best part is—it's got a lot more Dory."
They have been very busy with Toy Story 16 haven't they? It's like that movie Shrek 5: Can't Believe People Still Pay To See This. Official movie guys...
             We still haven't mentioned the movie I'm getting quite excited for (whoever just thought that i'm excited because it's based on a little girl is just sick, I know one of you did -__- I'm watching you!). A new theme to explore for Pixar is inside the mind, which is where Inside Out comes in. Inside Out is to be released on June 19th 2015 and is against the backdrop of a young girl's mind, and is about the human mind and the young girl's emotions. I think this will be brilliant if they add the creative spark which they always manage to squeeze in (no matter how unneeded secret agents are in a movie about racing cars, they manage to fit it in). Here's a synopsis of the movie from the Disney panel at CinemaCon:
"Pixar takes audiences on incredible journeys into extraordinary worlds: from the darkest depths of the ocean to the top of the tepui mountains in South America; from the fictional metropolis of Monstropolis to a futuristic fantasy of outer space. From director Pete Docter (Up, Monsters, Inc.) and producer Jonas Rivera (Up), the inventive new film will take you to a place that everyone knows, but no one has ever seen: the world inside the human mind."
Okay, so it;s really just telling you about everything you ever watched, but still, the latter half of the last sentence is good. Here's a little bit more of a detailed description from John Lasseter's interview with Charlie Rose:
 "Pete [Docter] has this way of constantly trying to figure out something that we’re all familiar with in some way… he’s constantly looking for these kinds of things. You look at people oftentimes and they do something to make you go “What are they thinking?” or it’s like how a song gets stuck in your head and you just can’t get it out. Little quirky thing like this that we all do. Certain emotions just seem to take us over, anger or happiness, where you start giggling and laughing and you can’t stop. He thought “I want to take a look at that, explain that.” His idea is that the emotions of this little girl are the characters and it takes place in the head of this little girl, and shows how they control things that go on. It’s very, very clever and it’s truly unlike anything you’ve ever seen, yet it explains things you've seen."
Sounds pretty amazing if you ask me, but they will have to explore more detailed concepts of the mind than just emotion for me to be hooked, I am a Vulcan as you all know... Anyway here is some concept art...

And our final Pixar movie of the day is untitled as of yet, but is centered around Día de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead as you may be more familiar with. Barely anything is known, but an estimated release date I'd say would be the latter half of 2016 (latter twice in one post, we're getting fancy here). The movie's working title is The Untitled Pixar Movie About Dia de los Muertos and here is the official synopsis and some concept art:
"From director Lee Unkrich and producer Darla K. Anderson, the filmmaking team behind the Academy Award®-winning Toy Story 3, comes a wholly original Pixar Animation Studios film that delves into the vibrant holiday of Día de los Muertos"

Sorry the concept art is so small, small images to start with, but stay tuned for more news tomorrow :D


Monsters University - Tits Officially Calmed on a Global Scale!

Much controversy was aroused a few months ago when a sequel to the beloved Pixar movie Monsters Inc. was announced, but I think it's safe to say this is one of the more recent Pixar sequels which isn't going to make me wonder why they bother. I mean c'mon guys, Cars 2, I cut myself! I can't think of any more, but Cars 3 will be a wreck, Planes (a trilogy of Cars spin-off films) shouldn't make those cuts any shallower, and it's pretty much all Cars related shit from there.
             But if you haven't seen the new trailer for Monsters University, then let me just tell you that I believe Pixar have redeemed themselves, and judging by some other upcoming movies, they haven't just redeemed themselves. Now before you start saying shit like 'Cars 2 is amazing!', SHUT, THE FUCK, UP! Are you kidding? No? Toodaroo Muddafuckaar (put on your Leslie Chow voice for that). It's Pixar! I didn't think anyone would say that, but, I wanted to put on my Leslie Chow voice! So long, gayboys! So are you ready to see some images and a new trailer, and an old trailer, and other shit...
             I'm just hoping this doesn't crash and burn like Cars 2, that movie had a child, and it just goes and gets killed like that! How could it!

What do you call a monster gang bang? Fang-bang! Fang-bang! (Sing it to doo-dah-day tune)...

Here's the old trailer...

And the new...

It looks fairly decent from the footage they've shown, and should be even better (especially than the dreaded Cars 2)!
Stay tuned for a Pixar post soon!

Saturday 25 May 2013

Milestone 0.25

So we haven't exactly hit a full milestone yet, that will be 1000 page views, but I would still like to celebrate 250 page views with a treat for all yo' bitches and pimps! I haven't yet decided what to do so bear with me, and it will probably be the cent/penny/other small amount of money you find when someone shouts scramble... Did you expect them to throw a $50 dollars across the room!?
             Please hold, enjoy your wait with some music: *Insert Stupid Telephone Company Jingle Here*. Okay that took me about half an hour and still nothing... wait a little longer please... okay, I am just going to ask you what you want from me (please nothing that costs actual MONEY!!!)... A question, can you tell who is viewing your blog (provided they have a Google+)... please comment! Also, Stay Tuned!

Friday 24 May 2013

Coldplay... Oh you! A Comic... For Me!

Mylo Xyloto Comic Books and "Hurts Like Heaven" Graphic Video

God Coldplay, you guys just love me too much, I'm being totally serious. You didn't have to make me comic books! And a video clearly dedicated to my colorful way of life! You guys are the best, you didn't have to, although I did design Chris Martin's piano and everything.
             Why didn't anyone tell me Coldplay had released a little graphic novel-y video for Hurts Like Heaven or that there were goddamn COMIC BOOKS about Mylo Xyloto! Honestly it's just the best! By far Coldplay's best video; although not their best song. The song is still a hit, but I was just sitting here reading the comic and drooling and thinking why is it so awesome! In case you haven't seen the video, here it is...

Pure Colorful Awesomeness! Am I right, or am I wrong? Probably the first one I'd say... So I was sitting in my little underground hovel bathing in my own excrement, when a thought hit me, this should be a comic book series! So I contacted Coldplay and here we are! Voila! Nope, I just used my thinking powers to Google 'Mylo Xyloto comic' and called myself a genius. It wasn't even that hard, I just watched the video to the end and saw the little credits :D #cheating.
             But I must own these comic books, there is a series of six available on iTunes, the first is £0.49 and the rest are £1.49. Did someone say 'borrow parents credit card'? Probably, there are seven billion people I imagine someone did at some point in life. Just wanted to show you the #color in life!

Stay tuned for more #color!

Wednesday 22 May 2013

Numbers Usually Go Up Right? - Xbox One

Sony In Office With Fingers Up Their Asses

It must have come as a shock to Sony when Microsoft, their rivals, who they thought had filled the waste paper basket one too many times, suddenly bounce back with their upcoming console. Ahh, the joys of the Xbox One... wait, Xbox One... We go from Xbox, to Xbox 360, to Xbox One? What the actual fuck? But I do think Xbox One sounds better, especially as a word instead of a number... that sounds so weird.
             The new console is reported to do everything. Bullshit. Nothing does everything. That is absolute bull-shit. B-U-L-L-S-H-I-T. It does not do everything. It does a couple of things, that's all. God Microsoft get your facts right... but going along with the expression, is everything what the crowd (us) wants? Do we want a console which can do everything we purchased our $1000 computers for, what if all we want to do is game? It's taking the fun out of money spending! So are you wondering what genius design they came up with... they went with rape the fuck out of the PS2 design and take it and spray it all over our new console until it reeks of Sony... and Sony smells of fish. Okay, so it doesn't look so much like a PS2 but please tell me you can see where I am coming from...
             Now, before you complain, I know this is one of the most common argument topics on the internet, but I've just created a group on Google Groups, which has a forum, called Geek Forums and Discussions. Go there to argue about what is better, PS3 or Xbox, and just any general crap posted really. It is the official forum of this blog, and will be superly fantasically adventurously timey awesome.
             So, this new console can play videogames, movies, TV, DVDs and Blu-Rays, read your heartbeat, recognize your face and voice, play music, browse the internet, make Skype and conference calls and, in the split screen Snap Mode, do both of those things at once! Let me tell you, fighting over the TV remote will be a lot easier for me knowing that as soon as my sister gets her TV show I just scream "Switch Off" and the whole thing goes to bollocks.
             I would quite like a console like this to be honest, but I would still want to have a smartphone or computer just to feel natural. This will be something I seriously consider buying however. So, go over to the Forums to witness awesomeness while I go walk my dog and buy butter :P   . But first, photos and videos!

Stay tuned :P


Sunday 19 May 2013

Bitches Didn't Invite Me - EPCOT Centre Fired Up for 'Monsters University'

Disney Didn't Invite Me :(

My guess is, I didn't receive the letter soon enough, wanna know why? Of course you do... NO POST ON SUNDAYS! Who got that reference... everyone... good. As you probably know, 'Monsters University' is coming to us in June, so what better way for Disney to get us fired up than to make 'Spaceship Earth' (EPCOT to you MUGGLES!) into an enormous Mike Wazowski, and then an enormous, roaring, firework-y James P. Sullivan (Sulley as I, his best friend, call him). And nobody told me to come... Obviously because of the post thing and the Sunday thing. Yep, that's it...
             If you were at Disney World at the time, you will have obviously found the whole thing mesmerizing unless you are completely out of your mind, deaf and blind, or soulless because Windows is still looking for a solution to the fucking problem (seriously dude, that problem is never solved, Linux time!) , but i'm expecting some commented apologies on why you didn't invite me. Projectors were positioned near the various Monorail systems, all pointing at the 180-foot globe, this isn't just to impress kids, adults, come on, admit it, you were fighting the urge to cry when he didn't wave back at you... just admit it...
             This event is also leading up to Disney's "Monstrous Summer" in which Magic Kingdom, Disneyland and Disney's California Adventure Park are all open for 24 Hours on May 24th! Coinkydink? I don't believe in them (call me an idiot if you will, but I have logic...)! So, wanna see the magic happen, the video probably won't work, but here goes...

And here are pictures...

Sulley displaying what happens when men accidentally sit on their balls...

Mike!!! Best character!

Stay Tuned!!!

We Have Passed... 200 Pageviews!!!

Just A Little Reminder to Say... 200 Pageviews Bitches!!!

So, I haven't been on for a few days, and I've been waiting for this milestone which would have come a lot earlier on a decent blog... 200 Pageviews Bitches... 201 if your being all technical and shit.
             This is probably my shortest post but just saying, 200... Stay tuned for more!

Saturday 18 May 2013

Coulson returns... I Shit The Bed

Coulson returns in ABC's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D

Spoiler ALERT - The Avengers

I read this and was just so so so so so so happy... Coulson is coming back... turn away now, avert your eyes, if you have never seen a hairless cat... no, but if you haven't seen Marvel's The Avengers, then seriously look away. In September 2013, a new Marvel TV show is set to air, produced by Joss Whedon (ha, he got weed on), Jed Whedon (ha, him too) and Maurissa Tancharoen . Yes, this is what it's like to have no friends folks... See, only someone who has no friends would say folks... and only someone who has no friends would bother to point that out... and that...
             So if you have friends (who am I kidding, you're on this blog), then you may not have heard that ABC has an upcoming TV show titled Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., and another little detail you may have missed, Coulson is returning, despite his death, but maybe he was too strong to be killed (by a fucking God guy?). What's important is, he's back, and awesome... and he's Coulson so obviously we can expect bitches and pimps around somewhere. Anyway, aside from bitches and pimps although that topic is the only important thing in life, here are some shots of the new show.

Awesome logo!

So here are the bitches and pimps...

Here's the official summary type thing ABC put out about the show
Clark Gregg reprises his role of Agent Phil Coulson from Marvel's feature films, as he assembles a small, highly select group of Agents from the worldwide law-enforcement organization known as S.H.I.E.L.D. Together they investigate the new, the strange and the unknown around the globe, protecting the ordinary from the extraordinary. Coulson's team consists of Agent Grant Ward (Brett Dalton), highly trained in combat and espionage; Agent Melinda May (Ming-Na Wen), expert pilot and martial artist; Agent Leo Fitz (Iain De Caestecker), brilliant engineer; and Agent Jemma Simmons (Elizabeth Henstridge), genius bio-chemist. Joining them on their journey into mystery is new recruit and computer hacker Skye (Chloe Bennet).
Impressive huh? But where is my Scarlett Johansson?! On top of the new Marvel show, ABC is also introducing another new show, a spin off from a previous series, the new series titled Once Upon a Time in Wonderland,  will obviously be similar to the original show except... well... set in Wonderland I'm guessing... so here is the trailer....

And here is the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. trailer...

Stay tuned for more geek news #Browns!

Tuesday 14 May 2013

Quick Update - Atari Breakout

If you decide to go on Google (please, who doesn't), go on images and type in 'Atari Breakout' to be greeted with the Atari Breakout game made up of image snapshots. The game is in full color and is celebrating almost four decades of the game.

Try and beat the level... the first level... Return tomorrow for more news #Browns :D

Game still works after the anniversary!

George Lucas Turns 69

One of the leading Geek Legends hits 69

As you may have heard (although I hadn't and I have a fantastic social life) George Lucas, a leading LEGEND in film making, science fiction and geekiness, has reached the big Six Nine. George Lucas, what a man I must say... Star Wars, Indiana Jones, The Land Before Time... All George Lucas, these movie are EPIC! Out of curiosity, me wanting to write an article on him, I did a little research... Now I'm not going to give you his life story (seriously, it takes a few button presses and your at Wikipedia you lazy bastards), but I'll give you some shit about his movies and Disney's recent purchase of his company Lucasfilm.
             So, Lucas decided in January 2012 that he was going to retire from producing large scale blockbuster phenomenons that forever changed the face of the world (that just isn't something a person quits) , and he decided to focus on smaller, independently funded films. He wasn't brilliant at the large scale things, I'm better, I'm sure you all saw my paired talking exercise in English class, it has potential. So, he announced the shocking news, and in June 2012 it was that producer Kathleen Kennedy who previously collaborated with Spielberg, and had been a producer of the Indiana Jones titles, was becoming co-chair of Lucasfilm Ltd. It was reported that Lucas would remain co-chair alongside her for at least a year, at which point she would become sole leader. Bitch better not disappoint...
             We still don't know whether Lucas will assist with the fifth Indiana Jones title but, let's hope the bitch doesn't mess it up. The Walt Disney Company purchased Lucasfilm officially on December 21st 2012, and payed $4.05 billion in cash and other stuff, for the company... Impressive...
             Then they close LucasArts and I'm like, bitch, the Force has left you, just go fuck yourselves, no more Monkey Island, give me a grenade and a snickers (GET SOME NUTS) and I will avenge LucasArts.
And that is the Lucasfilm story...
             So let's sing... *Singing* Happy Birthday To You! Happy Birthday To You! Happy Birthday Dear George (we're on a first name basis, you jealous?), Happy Birthday To You!
             No, but I seriously wish Mr. Lucas the best of luck for the future, and hope to god that the Force is with him. 
             Stay tuned #Browns, for more!

Monday 13 May 2013

#I'm Back Bitches

Return of the King
Sorry for my long absence, I know you 175-or-so people who crave hearing from me so much have missed me... My blog being so unique, the same person never visits twice! Hey, I'm trying to be optimistic about the future of this blog but it just ain't panning out. So sorry I've been away... I seemingly forgot to give a shred of a shit about this blog 'cause I love it just so much. Okay, has anyone else fallen prey to the #HASHTAG craze... I can't fight my urge to write hashy things... #Brown... How hilarious am I! Please tell me I am not alone in falling for the craze but it does get addicting! I can't remember what font I wrote in before and if I had a specific font, all I remember is the thirteen space thing at the beginning of a paragraph and I'm pretty sure I scrapped that...
             So what's is going on my people, it's long time no see, how are you guys! C'mon talk to me... come on... you know you want to... I'm alone aren't I...
             While I've been gone I came up with a new title for myself... are you ready... The #Geek... I came up with that just there on the spot... it doesn't show in the name at all. I'm not one of those people who think that they can wear sunglasses put on a shirt and call themselves a Geek, no. I am a geek in the making, a newborn (actually I'd probably be pre-teen in geekiness by now). I'm not a hardcore full on geek who sits on a computer all day, but don't get me wrong I'm a Star Wars, Star Trek, Doctor Who, Harry Potter, The Lord of the Rings (and all surrounding topics of those aforementioned). I love a lot of things... Geeky things...
             Anyway, I need a nickname for fans... so what about "#Browns", hell I said it before and I said it again and I'm not gonna say it again in this post because that would be too mainstream. So I'm just letting you know, my little #Browns (I said it again, I'm a rebel)... that.. I'm Back Bitches... James Drinkald 2.0 (No added sugar, batteries not included). Let the posting begin... tomorrow because right now I'm hungry.

             Bye #Browns
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