Sunday 31 March 2013

My Favorites of the Month - March 2013, Part 1

Warning #1

My family is sitting in the house, watching 'The Voice' (it doesn't deserve those quote marks), and I have to say honestly, to anyone who has the option to watch this show (I'm pretty sure it's UK only) DO NOT WATCH THE SHOW! Aside from (he is epic) with his ice cool subtle hilarity, the show lacks any comedic value whatsoever (like this blog)! Every Saturday night in my house goes as follows...
Family: What should we watch?
Me: Saturday Night Takeaway!
Family: The Voice
Me: Saturday Night Takeaway! [Nobody hears]
Family: Okay we'll put the voice on!
Me: Yes, the sheer excitement you get from watching people deciding whether to turn around in a fucking chair or not! And Danny doesn't even decide, he just follows everyone else like a fucking SLENDERMAN!

And there we go! Why don't they see Doctor Who in the way I do! It's all about perspective...

Warning #2



My Favorites of the Month - March 2013

I decided to make a post based on my favorite things of the month, Characters, Movies, Videogames, and other general things! Again, this post will contain spoilers AND hairless pandas... joke, it's lions!

Haha I lied, it's CATS (Lions are cats but screw you)!

Now let's get started...


Favorite Videogame(s) of the Month

This month has been a brilliant one for videogames, with titles like The Sims 3: University Life, Luigi's Mansion, and Simcity hitting shelves. But, out of all of the videogames released  this month, my TWO favorites are Bioshock Infinite and Tomb Raider. These two games have in-depth storylines, both have characters who if they were real would have broken the fuck out of there legs, each has amazing graphics and scenery, and similar yet  amazingly differing gameplay mechanics.

In fact, my favourite 'character' is from one of these games, and SPOILERS! begin now...

I love how complex the story of Bioshock Infinite is, it pretty much fucks Albert Einstein over and destroys all of our theories of how we can achieve time travel (except mine 'cause I have the machine to prove it). But, the theories it presents are so much better than the boring shit we think of! The only one of Einstein's theories which is in any way good is (there is a bit of paraphrasing here) 'If you run naked around a tree at 185,999 miles/second there is a possibility of fucking yourself' (there are other ways to fuck yourself, such as watching 'The Voice')... So, I know that is the best scientific theory, but at least try to respect Bioshock Infinite's time travel theories... and try to keep up..!

So, you are able to travel through time and space by utilizing things called 'tears', which become available once you rescue 'Elizabeth' (Anna) from the tower... However, unbeknownst to you and your character (Booker DeWitt) the only reason you are where you are is because of 'tears'. And who provided you with these, none other than the Lutece 'siblings', whom you shall find out more about if you read on! But, the two main reasons I love this game are... #1 It's awesome and hugely confusing mechanics and storyline (which I'm proud to say I understand), and #2 The BEAUTIFUL scenery and world!

If you don't think this is beautiful then you probably looked at Justin Bieber and have that condition where you are permanently demented and want to kill yourself...

I want to blow that Airship up so so bad... some people just want to watch the world burn

It's in the sky! Let's blow it up! Sounds an awful lot like the inspiration for the Death Star.

This game may be beautiful (Tomb Raider's got nothing on it), but Tomb Raider has that unique sense of 'let's watch our friends die while we escape bad situations' that isn't captured well in many games... I'm not going to spoil much of this game, but I will tell you that, it's set on Yamatai (NO SHIT SHERLOCK!), and it is based on this woman called Lara Croft (SHIT THE BED!) who has tits bigger than yo' face! Hopefully they choose an actress who has all of her 'attributes' (BIG TITS!) for the upcoming movie! So, here are some pics of the game...

The game sometimes has a monochromatic, cold feel which adds to the atmosphere (her boobs add  to the atmosphere, they've got an enormous gravitational pull).

Sorry there's no boob action, but still a pretty atmospheric shot of the game's personality (yes, games have personalities).

Everyone knows the best way to put out a fire is, fire an arrow into it while running through it, and completely ignoring the enemy holding a gun in the background who is likely to turn and murder you! Fire is a key mechanic and adds personality to the game, and allowing you to burn pretty much everything!

Favorite Character(s) of the Month


'Bioshock Infinite' makes another appearance, this time via 'two' of it's characters. But it is in fact not about two people (in a way), because unrealized to some, these two characters are actually the same person but from different universes. Yes, they may be two separate characters, but they are technically the same person. Robert and Rosalind Lutece! These two are honestly brilliant, this quote has become my new philosophy!

Rosalind: I see... heads.
Robert: And I see tails.
Rosalind: It's all a matter of perspective.

How amazing is that, and they have this little music that goes along with it, sounds like something out of a detective movie... You know, when the detective goes and explores the abandoned warehouse at night, it's so cool! They're just... not phased by anything... They're so calm, yet so full of character!

They are the reason Booker is going after his daughter Anna (Elizabeth). They are the pair on the boat, and the experiment they are discussing is the fact that they have sent Booker into this same pattern of events more than once, and Rosalind says something along the lines of 'why do you attempt an experiment if you know you are going to fail'. They know it is going to fail, because they have done this before. Robert also reminds her that your character doesn't row, not meaning that you can't or won't row, but that every time they have brought you to do this, you haven't rowed, which means it is a constant in their quantum experiment.

Further along in the game, they offer you a choice, heads or tails... you say heads, as usual, which is another constant, again showing them that thus far, you are following the same pattern of events as were previously followed. Further along, you receive a letter from them, saying not to pick #77 (in the lottery draw thingamajig), and I assume they sent this to all of the Booker s in the hope that one would follow the advice and a variable would be found. The pair later they offer you a choice of brooch for Elizabeth, bird or cage? I think this is to reinforce the fact that the smallest choice can alter what happens, but it is implied that this Booker did what all of the others did, another constant. They are just waiting for a variable, which will cause differing results. However, we don't know if they find a variable, or if, regardless of what we are made to believe, that the cycle continues and Booker keeps going back to rescue Elizabeth instead of living happily with her.

What is the world without assumption? (Ooo I made a philosophy, aren't I a frickin' genius).

Picture below :D

During their little speech about perspective, Robert and Rosalind Lutece, my favourite videogame characters ever (so far).

Stay tuned, because Part Two, with more, is coming tomorrow :P
Comment with your favorites of the month!
The rest of the Easter Eggs will be uploaded tomorrow! The Lutece s was #2 although it isn't much of an Easter Egg!

Happy Easter to All of You (Except Timmy)!

Happy Easter, and for all of you who don't know, that's the holiday where we celebrate a dead person who may or may not have existed (but I respect all of you who believe he did and all of you who believe he didn't)! So because I'm kind (and Batman) I thought I'd give you some Easter Eggs (not chocolate Easter Eggs, I'm not spending money on you)! So, wondering what kind of Easter Eggs, well the answer to that is videogame Easter Eggs! Here is the first of your videogame Easter Eggs of the day, the others will be hidden in other posts later on and tomorrow (not really hidden, they'll just be... well they'll be... shut up!)

Easter Egg #1 - Bioshock Infinite

I don't know if this could be considered a spoiler, it doesn't particularly give any plot details away, but you don't have to look :'(   I understand...

So, this is kind of obvious, but you may have lived in a hole for 10 years and not know about current events (Your favourite person in the whole world? They're dead!), so if you haven't heard of 'Bioshock', Rapture is the city it is set in, and it is underwater. At the end of 'Bioshock Infinite', which is set in Columbia, a city in the sky, and a completely different place, you can see into Rapture (We know it's Rapture 'cause there's a big sign saying 'Rapture')... and inside you can see a Big Daddy and a Little Sister (Google it!). So there you go!

Stay tuned for 'Favorites of the Month' post later and more Easter Eggs!

I found out something new about our little visit to Rapture! When you arrive there, Elizabeth actually mentions something about it being another possible reality that could have happened... and this all fits together! This is going to contain LOTS OF SPOILERS FROM 'BIOSHOCK', 'BIOSHOCK 2' and 'BIOSHOCK INFINITE'!

If you have played all of the games in the 'Bioshock' series you will much better understand it... So let's begin... I believed that all of the 'Bioshock' games were set in the same universe, but in different locations, but, I have come to realize after hearing Elizabeth's little story, that they are different possibilities of the same place (I think, I'm fairly certain). 

Think about it, all of the events of 'Bioshock' are mirrored in 'Bioshock Infinite' but in a parallel universe. Both characters, Jack and Booker, enter their corresponding settings through a lighthouse. 

Both places are ruled by antagonistic leaders, Andrew Ryan and Zachary Hale Comstock, Jack being Ryan's clone/illegitimate son, and Booker being another version of Comstock from a different universe. 

In both games, you're character uses powers activated using liquids, Plasmids and Vigors, which are powered respectively by EVE and Salts.

We have Dr. Tenenbaum, who is the equivalent of the Lutece 'siblings', who are actually one person but from different universes, and both are now trying to fix what they previously wronged by assisting the protagonist. 

We have Fontaine/Atlas as Daisy Fitzroy, the working class hero turned psychopath who would have eventually ended up like the people they were against and led to the downfall of their corresponding cities. 

Obviously, Rapture is Columbia, and the Tenenbaum/Lutece theory makes Elizabeth the Little Sisters, which explains the fact each Elizabeth from each universe drown Booker, with him to the end like the 5 Little Sisters whom Jack raises until his death. 

The Big Daddy s, protectors of the Little Sisters, are the equivalents of Songbird, who protects Elizabeth. Booker and Jack both take down their corresponding antagonists, and turn out to be similar to their respective antagonists, able to operate things which only said villains are supposedly able to operate. 

And finally, there is the fact that Elizabeth is really Anna (Booker's daughter) which is discovered at the end, just like the Little Sisters are actually normal young girls and become Jack's daughters in the end...
Can you see the resemblance! Even the dress!

 There's Songbird with Elizabeth and a Big Daddy with his respective Little Sister! RESEMBLANCE FTW!

How did you like that?! Stay tuned for more Easter Eggs :P

Saturday 30 March 2013

Nintendeggs (Bad Pun) - And More Shit

Who liked my pun? Nobody? Okay then... This really caught my attention, you might not see it, but even that Ganondorf egg is adoracute to me... There's gonna be some serious anger if I haven't been bought these for Easter! Which is your favorite, let me know, more pictures below!

Some Pacman and Nintendo here!

Kirby and Metroid (who sees the Mario stages above :D) 


Legend of Zelda!

Pretty much most of the Mario Kart power ups...

YOSHIS (Sounds like a Chinese supermarket, no racism intended there)!

Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start!


Shadow is on his period...


Me and Spiderman chilling at the strip club...

More adoracuteness (that is definitely a word, it's just too awesome to be in the dictionary)!

I don't care if you have eggs, Magic: The Gathering is better!

Zelda/Wind Waker Eggs - Znuese
NES Super Mario. Bros and Nintendo Eggs - ~Red-flare
Pokemon - lanini
Yoshi and Zelda Eggs - ~Gakoru
Togepi Egg - ~furinchime
Superhero, Yu-Gi-Oh and Gamer Eggs - ~Madamwolf
Kirby/Metroid/Mario Stages - ~Vejit
Sonic - EllyTheGee
Mario Kart - kuzco_cat
Goomba etc. - deniseswingle

My amazingly boring comments there, add your own comments below! Which is your favorite, and what's happening in the news! COMMENT! :P

More Epic Graphics - (Cave on Period)

Another thing you are less likely to have seen (how original am I!) is the new graphics which the Unreal Engine 4 has brought to us. Yes, that does mean more things on their periods (caves this time)! Watch the video at the top for period caves and hairless pandas (Joke... Lions)!

So hopefully you saw that amazing demonstration of how CAVE PERIODS CAUSE GLOBAL WARMING! See, now I feel bad! I APOLOGIZE TO ALL GIRLS (Unless I dislike you, yes, I'm talking to you Bieber). Now get ready to see some SHIT THE BED stuff... honestly it's so SHIT THE BED you'll think your parents bought you brown sheets! IT'S... More random graphics of videogames we haven't been told about... here's some more Unreal Engine 4 graphics. Yeah, how exciting, I know!

The first demo for the PS4 illustrates a flaming demon awakening from a slumber thanks to his wife, Mrs. Cave, who is on her period and not happy... While the second video, which runs on a Core i7 PC (that's some serious shit) equipped with a Nvidia GeForce GTX 680 GPU with 16GB DDR3 RAM, depicts a whole scene which was completely geometrically built. Impressed yet! This new engine is to power the next line of Unreal Engine-licensed games and on the PC, PS4 and next Xbox console.

Stay Tuned :P

Friday 29 March 2013

Pokemon - Adoracute Just Became A Word

You may have seen these elsewhere, but adorableness is the one thing I can't resist (Oh and also pictures of hairless lions, Bieber jokes, The Walking Dead... this could go on for a while). So I thought I'd share these with you and you'd die because of the awesomazing word I created, adoracute (I love how there's no red squiggly line beneath it). But no, don't die, because there's pictures... DIE AFTER THE PICTURES! If you die before looking at these pictures, then you love Justin Bieber with all your heart... [Everyone on the planet stops dying]... thought so! Comment on your favorite...

Eevee is one of my favorite Pokemon, and here she is as her latest evolution, Sylveon. (Sorry I automatically say she)!

I had full permission to use these! Not! So I apologize to Itsbirdy if I shouldn't have used these, but lets not add anything else of his so we avoid more trouble...

Oh well! Here's a link to his amazing Instagram page, enjoy!

Stay Tuned :P
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