Saturday 30 March 2013

More Epic Graphics - (Cave on Period)

Another thing you are less likely to have seen (how original am I!) is the new graphics which the Unreal Engine 4 has brought to us. Yes, that does mean more things on their periods (caves this time)! Watch the video at the top for period caves and hairless pandas (Joke... Lions)!

So hopefully you saw that amazing demonstration of how CAVE PERIODS CAUSE GLOBAL WARMING! See, now I feel bad! I APOLOGIZE TO ALL GIRLS (Unless I dislike you, yes, I'm talking to you Bieber). Now get ready to see some SHIT THE BED stuff... honestly it's so SHIT THE BED you'll think your parents bought you brown sheets! IT'S... More random graphics of videogames we haven't been told about... here's some more Unreal Engine 4 graphics. Yeah, how exciting, I know!

The first demo for the PS4 illustrates a flaming demon awakening from a slumber thanks to his wife, Mrs. Cave, who is on her period and not happy... While the second video, which runs on a Core i7 PC (that's some serious shit) equipped with a Nvidia GeForce GTX 680 GPU with 16GB DDR3 RAM, depicts a whole scene which was completely geometrically built. Impressed yet! This new engine is to power the next line of Unreal Engine-licensed games and on the PC, PS4 and next Xbox console.

Stay Tuned :P

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