Thursday 28 March 2013

Videogame Update #1

How Will April Fare Against March

All in all, March has been a pretty good month in videogaming, which kick-started with the release of a new, rebooted Tomb Raider videogame. This reboot forgets all of the old storylines, and focuses around a new and improved Lara, more brains, brawn and boob. The setting is rife with beautiful landscapes, red barrels which follow the Call of Duty law, red barrels are for blowing up, and filled with Japanese culture and mythology. What's more, a new movie is in the brewing as MGM purchase the rights to the latest addition to the franchise.

And the same day as the latest boob-filled adventure was released, two new titles from a popular franchise, an expansion for The Sims 3, University Life, which replicates The Sims 2 expansion of a similar title and brings more crap which they purposely withheld from the base game so they could charge us more money. But the less rip-off and my clear favorite of the two, SimCity, the latest installment which brings us improved graphics, improved gameplay mechanics, improved ways for us to be charged money. But no, this game is seriously good, and seriously harder than it looks, it is not for the fainthearted, because more than a few times you will end up broke and it takes a good amount of strategy to raise a brilliant city.

More fairly decent titles were rolled out, a new Rayman title, God of War: Ascension and the latest Starcraft II Expansion, all very promising titles (although God of War is a PS3 only title, smart idea, because that worked so well for Killzone). What's more, the latest LEGO Game, LEGO City Undercover, which promises to wreck the franchise I'm sure, thanks to that stupid Wii U. The title takes away the mechanics of LEGO Videogames as they try to base a game supported by just their own content. They've stripped it down to the barebones, which means it's made of LEGO Pieces, and then they've added a storyline which has none of the puzzle essence a LEGO game should have. They should have stuck with what they're used to... Where's LEGO Matrix, and LEGO James Bond! We don' want yo' shit! We've also been given the promising Gears of War: Judgement and a new Need for Speed title, I'm not personally a fan of Need for Speed series, but that can be expected from such poor mechanics, I can't even drop bananas bitch!

A new Luigi's Mansion title named Dark Moon, is a game from it's own series and the Mario series which I honestly have to say, has not failed to impress. There isn't so much action in these games, it's just a classic with better graphics, and though I do like the side-scrolling Luigi's Mansion titles, I have to say I'm quite liking the coin-collecting madness. And another classic series with a new title to its name, Pokemon, with Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates To Infinity, which although isn't one of the classic 'Gotta Catch 'Em All' games, the series is still a massive hit unlike any Justin Bieber song (these Bieber jokes are getting old).
Resident Evil 6 has finally been released on PC, to my content and hopefully most other people's, but why the release length between the console release and PC release I'll never know, probably some moneymaking scheme as is everything these days.

Bioshock Infinite has finally been released after the fifty thousand promises for the release of the game (I saw this in magazines early last year :P ) and graphics wise, it looks promising. I haven't really checked out this game, as I never played the first two. But a title I am more excited to play is Slender: The Arrival which promises to be far more difficult than the original (and I was fucked on Note 3, so this shall be interesting).
And with this next game, fans of the Japanese series will be hugely excited, as what is widely considered as the best Final Fantasy game ever (people said Killzone 3 was the best Killzone ever, doesn't mean it's any good) returns with its first piece of full DLC in over 5 years. Final Fantasy XI: Seekers of Adoulin.

Now I realize that this alike my other posts is fairly bad and in the future I'm going to attempt to improve the posts, but c'mon I'm just starting out. And finally I'm going to end on a 'Walking Dead' note, because one of the games that the company promised to shit on while I was SHITTING THE BED! waiting for was The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct, finally a game with the amazing, badass Daryl Dixon, who is the only person badass enough to name a baby 'Little Ass Kicker'. This game, although the graphics and meshes are the shit of the undead apocalyptic earth, the game has Daryl, so screw all of you!

Stay Tuned for April's lineup on April 4th!

Comment on what you think I need to do better, please don't say 'everything', but bad feedback is welcomed :P          

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