Sunday 31 March 2013

Happy Easter to All of You (Except Timmy)!

Happy Easter, and for all of you who don't know, that's the holiday where we celebrate a dead person who may or may not have existed (but I respect all of you who believe he did and all of you who believe he didn't)! So because I'm kind (and Batman) I thought I'd give you some Easter Eggs (not chocolate Easter Eggs, I'm not spending money on you)! So, wondering what kind of Easter Eggs, well the answer to that is videogame Easter Eggs! Here is the first of your videogame Easter Eggs of the day, the others will be hidden in other posts later on and tomorrow (not really hidden, they'll just be... well they'll be... shut up!)

Easter Egg #1 - Bioshock Infinite

I don't know if this could be considered a spoiler, it doesn't particularly give any plot details away, but you don't have to look :'(   I understand...

So, this is kind of obvious, but you may have lived in a hole for 10 years and not know about current events (Your favourite person in the whole world? They're dead!), so if you haven't heard of 'Bioshock', Rapture is the city it is set in, and it is underwater. At the end of 'Bioshock Infinite', which is set in Columbia, a city in the sky, and a completely different place, you can see into Rapture (We know it's Rapture 'cause there's a big sign saying 'Rapture')... and inside you can see a Big Daddy and a Little Sister (Google it!). So there you go!

Stay tuned for 'Favorites of the Month' post later and more Easter Eggs!

I found out something new about our little visit to Rapture! When you arrive there, Elizabeth actually mentions something about it being another possible reality that could have happened... and this all fits together! This is going to contain LOTS OF SPOILERS FROM 'BIOSHOCK', 'BIOSHOCK 2' and 'BIOSHOCK INFINITE'!

If you have played all of the games in the 'Bioshock' series you will much better understand it... So let's begin... I believed that all of the 'Bioshock' games were set in the same universe, but in different locations, but, I have come to realize after hearing Elizabeth's little story, that they are different possibilities of the same place (I think, I'm fairly certain). 

Think about it, all of the events of 'Bioshock' are mirrored in 'Bioshock Infinite' but in a parallel universe. Both characters, Jack and Booker, enter their corresponding settings through a lighthouse. 

Both places are ruled by antagonistic leaders, Andrew Ryan and Zachary Hale Comstock, Jack being Ryan's clone/illegitimate son, and Booker being another version of Comstock from a different universe. 

In both games, you're character uses powers activated using liquids, Plasmids and Vigors, which are powered respectively by EVE and Salts.

We have Dr. Tenenbaum, who is the equivalent of the Lutece 'siblings', who are actually one person but from different universes, and both are now trying to fix what they previously wronged by assisting the protagonist. 

We have Fontaine/Atlas as Daisy Fitzroy, the working class hero turned psychopath who would have eventually ended up like the people they were against and led to the downfall of their corresponding cities. 

Obviously, Rapture is Columbia, and the Tenenbaum/Lutece theory makes Elizabeth the Little Sisters, which explains the fact each Elizabeth from each universe drown Booker, with him to the end like the 5 Little Sisters whom Jack raises until his death. 

The Big Daddy s, protectors of the Little Sisters, are the equivalents of Songbird, who protects Elizabeth. Booker and Jack both take down their corresponding antagonists, and turn out to be similar to their respective antagonists, able to operate things which only said villains are supposedly able to operate. 

And finally, there is the fact that Elizabeth is really Anna (Booker's daughter) which is discovered at the end, just like the Little Sisters are actually normal young girls and become Jack's daughters in the end...
Can you see the resemblance! Even the dress!

 There's Songbird with Elizabeth and a Big Daddy with his respective Little Sister! RESEMBLANCE FTW!

How did you like that?! Stay tuned for more Easter Eggs :P

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