Friday 29 March 2013

The Amazing Tatooine Penis System

French astronomers have made a diagram of a planet which, just like Tatooine from Star Wars, revolves around two suns, and so they used it as an excuse to make a diagram that looks like a penis. Scientists aren't even sure it's a planet, but any excuse is a big enough excuse for them... they're saying it could be a collapsed star because it's fucking 12 TO 14 TIMES BIGGER THAN JUPITER! So do you wanna know where Luke Skywalker lives? IN YOUR CLOSET! No, he lives on 2MASS0103(AB)b, yeah, I thought you might have heard of it, very well known, like the band '-isq'. Why they give planets such stupid names is unknown, people don't care, we just want planets named after Harry Potter characters. 

So this is what the idiots at New Scientist expect us to understand,

Figuring out the chemical makeup of 2MASS0103(AB)b could confirm the object as a Jupiter-like planet, lending weight to the instability model. Or it could reveal that the object is in fact a rare type of brown dwarf that was born together with the binary pair. All three would have formed when turbulence inside an embryonic star caused it to break into pieces. That in turn might be crucial to properly identifying such bodies in the future.
Anyone get that? Well, stay tuned :D

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