Wednesday 27 March 2013

Minecraft Books - Obviously better than Harry Potter

So, I was going to gather information from the BBC website about an article they posted on what is "ungoogleable". Can ya tell what it is yet? Well the BBC posted a really annoying article which I decided not to steal from them so I'm going to try and think of some unique topic (don't quote me on that) to post about. This article was pretty much about how some people have common company names etc. so their company is hard to find on Google, but some people like it like that. Irene Serra was mentioned in the article, as someone who named her band '-isq' so they were hard to find on Google. Well the BBC has fucked that idea over for her now, so if these shitty blog posts are attracting any fans, maybe I can piss her off a little more. But now to the interesting part (I'm hoping.)

For All Your Children's Educational Needs - Minecraft Books

So... I have to say this is the jealousy story of the week... I bet they let all of you four year old  children read these in school! Yeah, well screw you, because I don't require potatoes to paint an average picture bitch, jealous yet... Yeah so my side of this argument isn't exactly the best, mainly because some four year old children won't understand this.
             But this is a fairly big news story, I mean, this is great right, we'll have things like 'Home Design From Minecraft', no, but what we do have are creative titles which could have only come from a monkey on a typewriter... Are you ready for these strokes of genius... The Beginner's Handbook, The Redstone Handbook, The Construction Handbook and The Combat Handbook... SHIT THE BED!!!
             These titles will be released by UK publisher Egmont, and the publishing deal covers all regions outside of the US, so for all of you Minecraft lovers from the US, welcome to the world of rip-off shipping prices.
              Egmont Publishing Group MD David Riley said, "The excitement about Minecraft publishing has been huge, and we're confident we have the right content in the best formats. There really is something to satisfy both eager beginners and expert fans, with even more titles coming next year."
             The publishing company also has plans for a Minecraft Annual, a poster book and eventually even an All About Minecraft magazine. I'm just hoping they don't destroy it with wordsearches and crap. What we need are some amazing build sections!
              Mojang CEO Carl Manneh added, "We are thrilled to be working with Egmont to create exclusive and engaging content for our fans."
             And so, speaking of amazing build sections, some of the aforementioned fans will have the chance to get their amazing designs into the aforementioned poster book. Sound exciting? It's not SHIT THE BED! news like the new KFC that recently opened near my house, but they're getting there.
             "We knew whatever we created needed to be fun, informative, and centre on the Minecraft community," said Sarah Bates, MD of Egmont's licensing division. 
             So, you're going to charge us money for what Google tells us? That's all I got from what she said, but whatever floats your boat, as I'm sure many of you hardcore fans will be camping outside of stores to get them, but personally I wont be buying them.
             "The fans are extremely important to us and we want our publishing to both feed their thirst for gaming knowledge through an engaging reading experience, whilst also offer exclusive content [which I guarantee will be put on Google] from the developers which they can't get online [yet]."
             This amazing series worthy of Harry Potter will be available to the general public, OUTSIDE OF THE USA!!! This is for only selling Hershey's Chocolate in the US!

             Thanks to whoever decided on the new KFC near my home! :D

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