Thursday 28 March 2013

Screw Low Battery Signs!

Don't you hate it when your phone runs out and your in the middle of watching that Youtube video. You know, the one where the girl gets hit by her closet door. So your about to get to that LaughOutLoud! moment, and then suddenly... BAM! *Handheld Shutting Down*

Yeah, I hate it too, but I realize now that I don't have to... and so ladies and gentlemen... I present to you... THE WORLD'S SMALLEST PHONE CHARGER *Applause*!

The phone charger is the size of a key-ring and measures 1.3 inches by 0.9 inches by 0.5 inches. That's actually quite big... it's like 100 times the size of Justin Bieber's penis (I'm joking... he doesn't have a penis). This thing is quite powerful though, it provides 20 to 30 minutes of extra talk time, or a few hours on standby. The charger can hang off your phone or just be kept in your pocket.

The Devotec Fuel Micro Charger is fully rechargeable, and is able to keep its charge for at least one month before needing to be recharged, and most of the space inside is taken up by a rechargeable lithium ion battery.

The device can be powered up through use of the supplied cable or any AC micro-USB wall plug. To use the charger, you turn on the power switch and plug into your phone, just like with any other charger, so don't go trying to shove it into the headphone slot, I learned the hard way.

Devotec spent months searching for the best parts to incorporate into the handy design, features like flexible PCB's (Google it, 'cause I haven't got a clue what it is) to shrink components in size in order to make the Fuel Micro Charger as small and efficient as possible. They had to find the smallest internal parts to admit a larger internal lithium-ion battery, which is a 5C battery rated at 220 milliamp hours (Google that as well).

The body was produced from pure die cast aluminium (SHIT THE BED!) to make it extremely tough, but extremely light, and it was painted red, lacquered and baked to give it a semi-gloss finish.

Being the not-so-proud owner of a BlackBerry, I require one of these to live, because if one more view of 'Girl Gets Hit by Closet Door' fails on me, I will smash the hell out of that phone. Then lets watch it tell me 'Closing Handheld Down' :D

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