Friday 29 March 2013

Dumbledore, Why Do You Hate Me!

Harry Potter is my favorite book series and favorite movie series of ALL TIME! But Dumbledore hates me (that's Albus for any of you nitpickers out there) and so he has decided to price this box of awesomeness at $500. And this is why I chose Amazon, but unfortunately their Gold Box deal which had it at 50% off which placed it at $249.99 expired yesterday (one day only), and yet I only find out about it today so I'm being deprived. £175 is some serious shit for  thirteen year old (actually it's not even that bad) and I'm already in HUUUUGGGGEEEEEE debt so that box is kinda outta the question. But for your benefit I'm gonna explain what's in it.

So there are 31 disks for a start, which is all of the movies, some with extended editions and blu-ray editions and extra content. That all equates to thirty disks, and then there is the special bonus disk with shitloads of extra content. Then we have the Harry Potter Catalogue of Artefacts and the Label Collection. From this picture I guess it includes some pictures of scenes and sets etc. and also probably the Locket Horcrux and that little scroll thingy (it's a shame there isn't a Time Turner because my Time Machine broke and I was about to give Bieber's parents a condom). And finally (I have missed out some stuff sorry) a Certificate of Authenticity! With a number out of 63,000. I need one! And they have to make a 'Walking Dead' Version, I don't care what you think, of course people are going to want Zombie head props, why wouldn't you want a mass of undead eyeball watching you while you pee.

Have Fun and Love Potter! :D   

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