Thursday 28 March 2013

All The Latest in Fashion - Magic Card Dress

The PAX East convention had everyone staring at Amy Demicco, who was sporting the latest in the Arturo Vitali (who got that reference) designer dress... and axe... Obviously I'm joking, because Arturo Vitali uses Pokemon cards to make his dresses, and this is obviously an amateur attempt at replicating his fine works... If I have to explain to every person who was deprived of fun and has never watched Disney Channel, he was the designer they made up and used in pretty much every show to avoid legal battles, okay? Glad we cleared that little problem up.

Calling this amateur is one of the biggest lies in the universe, beaten only by the fact that some people refer to Justin Bieber as a 'he', you LIARS!!! This dress is a masterpiece, although I really need to get round to asking her if she'll make me a tux out of these, because no wedding that I have made up is complete without one of these.

This convention is probably one of the only places on earth you could wear this without being mugged, because nobody takes you seriously unless your at a geeky convention (not trying to offend anyone with the term I used) when wearing something like this. A suit version must go into my list of 1000 things I would be caught dead in (Oh yes, I am that sad). There are numerous other photos of different Magic: The Gathering dresses and more on Amy's Tumblr page,

I'm sure this is what every woman dreams of wearing  :P  

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